Thursday, April 2, 2015

Modes of Authorship in Woodworking Discourse

Drafting a proposal for an essay about woodworking discourse.

Having done some drafting on the proposal, I'm now thinking of writing about two different "authorial positions" for woodworking writers, one of them best described as "authoritative" (authority derived from technical mastery and long, successful experience) and the other as "ethical" (an ethos of "passion" and curiosity that seduces the reader into vicarious experience of the author's series of discoveries). The "ethical" author also invites the reader into a dialog; the Internet makes a truly Bakhtinian dialog, in which readers become writers instantaneously, possible. Both authorial modes studiously ignore the involvement of the mechanisms enabling woodworking discourse (print, video, internet) in the same economy of production and consumption that drives us all to feel we need to escape via hobbies.

Only with lots of examples.