Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It's really quite simple

Just done with a weekend of teaching at Highland Woodworking. Saturday was "Surfacing Lumber in the Small Shop," and Sunday was "Tablesaw Basics." I've been doing a lot of teaching lately, and there's nothing like teaching for learning. I get reminded of things I've known all along, of course, like "Practice on Scraps!" but I also learn new things too. On Saturday I got better at flattening the second side of the board, and bringing it into parallel with the first (or face) side when I saw how David Charlesworth's "stop shavings" give a surface the shape I used to think of as "gravy lake" when I was an 8-year-old playing with my mashed potatoes.

Writing that sentence made it quite clear to me I'll need to add photos to explain this. Just now it's late at night, and I'm nowhere near my camera, or a roughsawn board, or a workbench or a scrub plane. So it will have to wait.