Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How Long is Your Doughnut Hole?

My "retirement package" can be accessed at 62, and I have some "emergency savings" to live on if I ever am out of work. If my emergency savings continue growing, and my age continues to approach 62, I should have an ever-decreasing "doughnut hole," the time between when my emergency savings would run out and when I reach age 62.

I am sure I'm not alone in thinking that once the doughnut hole is gone, continuing to work is optional rather than a life-or-death necessity. And so I like to keep an eye on the size of the doughnut hole. When things are going well, I only check once a year or so. When things are miserable, I check slightly more often. Twice a day maybe. It would be nice to develop a bit of software that would display the doughnut hole "countdown" style on my smartphone. Or not. After all, that leads to a mindset of wanting "this part" of my life to be over so I can be living in "that part." Which of course is illusory thinking; the only part of my life I can ever live is THIS HERE NOW.

Still. It's nice to have something pleasant to think about, so here's an online calculator that will tell you how long your emergency savings will hold out. Add that to your current age, subtract the sum from 62, and you know the length of your doughnut hole.

You're welcome.

Doughnut Hole Length Calculation Helper

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